The only center in Macedonia and the region that offers you a scientifically proven way of strengthening presentation skills and public speech by conducting training with cognitive-behavioral techniques and virtual reality therapy. This training provides a quality, professional, confidential, fast and efficient approach with direct exposure and implementation of the techniques. With virtual reality therapy, we achieve direct exposure in order to improve performance, reduce anxiety and have the opportunity to experience public speech just like the podium in front of an auditorium. All this is for the purpose of performance, ie public speech is with greater certainty, motivation and inspiration.
Fear or anxiety in public speech is present in many people, because most of the working people in a business environment speak at a meeting, hold a formal or informal presentation, address their co-workers and so on. It’s all part of the public address.
Success in public appearances (here a space) is one of the vital managerial and communication skills that should be mastered and developed by all ambitious managers, politicians, individuals who aim at affirmation and advancement, personal and company.