I have been going to Dr.Vera's therapeutic center for few months now. I must say that she is highly skilled professional, devoted to her patient's mental health. She is an eye opener for us that got blind in time from our dark thoughts. In this modern lifestyle, no matter whether I am in Skopje or out of the country, I am connected with her via Skype. Anyone can have the sessions while on the road, I highly recommend it. Thank you team Equilibrium.
The sessions I had on Skype with Vera were life-changing, to say the least. After every session, I felt more improved and more grounded than before. She gave me very actionable advice that addressed my concerns exactly. We would schedule a skype call once a week and it felt like we are meeting in person altho we were meeting online. The decision to make Skype sessions with her was one of the best decisions of my life because since completing the therapy, my life is on an upward trajectory.
Skype сесиите ми помогнаа многу бидејки не сум од Скопје и не сум во можност да патувам секогаш поради работни обврски. Неверојатната стручност на Д-р Вера и помошта која што ја добивам во начинот на кој што се справувам со мојата анксиозност е иста без разлика дали сум во ординација или на Skype
I was suffering from anxiety. Living abroad and having a psychiatrist speaking my mother tongue and be available for sessions through skype for me was essential and the ultimate reason to give my trust to Dr.Vera and start the experience together. I was not skeptical at all, cause we know that nowadays the modern world is functioning through online communication from different parts of the world. therefore my trust in skype sessions and trust in Vera's expertise were there since the begging. I'm very happy, highly satisfied and I recommend skype sessions for everyone who has a need, living abroad or simply doesn't have enough time and resources to come and ask for help and work in person.
When I think about our skype sessions, I'm thinking of high-quality online sessions, no difference with the ones in person as I tried that one too. I'm thinking of my psychiatrist as a real professional in her field, always clear and on time.
Thanks to her professional help and the possibility to do it online, through skype
, my life gets a real meaning back. I highly recommend Dr.Vera and her team to anyone who has a need, doubt or even a thought and want to talk to share to ask a professional for help as she and her team are. Skype is great, cost efficiency, timekeeping and yet very usefull way of having sessions.
Скајп сесиите ми овозможуваат да сум во контакт со мојот терапевт каде и да се наоѓам. Релаксирани сеанси кои се подеднакво добри како и оние тет-а-тет и секогаш од голема помош.